ENplus®_Certificate_LT 323_A1_6 mm_2023_ (2)-1

ENplus is EU-wide quality certification scheme for wood pellets based on an ISO standard – ISO 17225-2. The aim of the ENplus certification scheme for wood pellets is to secure the supply of wood pellets for heating in residential, commercial and public buildings with a clearly defined and constant quality. ENplus covers the entire supply chain of wood pellets: from the production and delivery chain of wood pellets all the way to the end user’s store.

Lambera UAB FSC COC Certificate 20.3.2023-1

What is FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) sertificate?

FSC® (FSC-C127947) promotes responsible forest usage, ensures a protection of biodiversity in forests and provides the transparent forest management. It ensures that products come from well managed forests that provide environmental, social and economic benefits.

LAMBERA UAB - Wood pellets producers